Pos Laju is Malaysia’s leading courier company. It probably has the best delivery network in Malaysia. Although some Pos Laju services can be obtained via the post offices (Pos Malaysia), Pos Laju also has its own dedicated branches. I believe there are more services provided at the dedicated branches, compared to the post offices.
I recently went to the Pos Laju branch in Lebuh Victoria to send a parcel. I was there around 11AM, and surprisingly was able to find a parking space by the side of the road. The process was straightforward: fill up a form, get a queue number, and finally, go to the counter to make the payment and have the parcel sent. The Pos Laju branch is air-conditioned, and there were not many customers that day, so I got a fast and convenient service. I have heard that the Pos Laju Lebuh Victoria Branch can get really busy and service can be slow.
Here is the list of Pos Laju Branches In Penang, together with the opening hours and contact / telephone numbers:
- Pos Laju Pulau Pinang (Lebuh Victoria Branch)
Address: 245, Lebuh Victoria, 10300 Georgetown, Penang.
Opening hours: 8AM – 6PM (Monday – Friday), 8AM – 1PM (Saturday). Closed on Sunday.
Telephone: 04-2637931
- Pos Laju Bayan Lepas
Address: 25 & 27, Jalan Sungai Tiram 7, Mutiara Light Industrial Park, 11950 Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Opening hours: 8.30AM – 6PM (Monday – Friday). Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Telephone: 04-6115486
- Pos Laju Butterworth
Address: 1445, Lorong Perusahaan Maju 4, Kawasan Perusahaan Perai, 13600 Perai, Pulau Pinang.
Opening hours: 8.30AM – 5.30PM (Monday – Friday). Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Telephone: 04-3337480
- Pos Laju Bukit Mertajam
Address: 42, Jalan Bayu Mutiara 1, Taman Bayu Mutiara, Mukim 11, Bukit Tengah, 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang. Tel: 04-5074513.
Opening hours: 8AM – 6.30PM (Monday – Friday), 8AM – 5PM (Saturday). Closed on Sunday.
Telephone: 04-5074513
To track your Pos Laju parcels, use the Pos Malaysia – Track & Trace link below:
If you use Pos Malaysia and courier services, you may also be interested in the following blog posts:
Kenapa barang yang dipost tidak diupdate if sibuk disbbkn musim perayaan barang spatutnya dah smpai tapi smpai skrng xdapat trace di mana.. Dh msk 2 mnggu. Ni nmber trcking saya yg hq seller baju bagi
Mungkinkah seller baju itu beri nombor tracking yang salah? Baik suruh seller baju itu semak balik dengan Poslaju, dengan menunjukkan resit rasmi.
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My package still at Pos Laju Bayan Lepas since item posted over counter on 28/5/2018.
I am sorry to hear that. That is very bad service. By the way, I found that there is a website for providing feedback/complaints to POS Malaysia: https://efeedback.pos.com.my/
But, I’m not sure if it is effective or not though.
HI, Barang saya ER843802346MY semalam dah Item out for delivery ,tetapi mungkin mak saya tak dapat dengar, skrg item tu dah pos balik ke pejabat pos. Tetapi saya tak dapat surat pengumuman, saya check dari internet, barang ni skrg dekat PPL BMJ FWD2 (PLB). Saya pun tak tahu pos laju ni dekat mana. Kalau kes macam ini, tidak surat ini, bolehkah ambil IC untuk ambil barang???
PPL BMJ FWD2 (PLB) – Saya rasa sekarang ini item dekat Pos Laju Butterworth (I think lah…. sebab kod itu kata BMJ “forward to” PLB). Saya baru sahaja update alamat Pos Laju Butterworth di atas. Kat Pos Laju, biasanya boleh ambil item dengan I/C.
Poslaju akan hantar ke alamat yang dinyatakan oleh pengirim. Sekiranya tidak ada orang menerima surat/parcel yang dihantar, Poslaju akan meletakkan satu kad pengumuman pada peti surat. Kad ini mempunyai maklumat nombor telefon di mana penerima boleh “call” untuk menentukan hari/masa penghantaran kedua. Kad ini juga mempunyai maklumat mengenai lokasi di mana penerima boleh pergi sendiri untuk mengutip parcel itu.
EN222463080MY brg saya belum sampai lg…di pos 29/5/18 x dpt trace juga brg yg d pos
brp no fon pos laju Bayan Lepas ???? Hq seller baju bg tau dah pos brg 29/5/18
Nombor telefon Poslaju Bayan Lepas: 04-6115451.
Tetapi untuk kes ini, lebih baik jika “hq seller baju” check dengan pejabat pos/Poslaju asal menggunakan resit rasmi. Kalau boleh, dapatkan juga gambar resit rasmi daripada “hq seller baju” – saya rasa ini akan membantu Poslaju Bayan Lepas untuk check kes ini.
Sapa2 tau x PPL BMJ FWD2 (PLB) dkt mana?
Saya rasa PPL BMJ = Pejabat Pos Laju Bukit Mertajam
saya baru call pos laju bm sebab barang last dekat PPl BMJ tapi orang tersebut kata itu dekat pos laju Prai? Since when ada pos laju di Prai? if yes ada, then apa number phone pejabat sana? dah sehari lebih barang di situ tak bergerak
PPL BMJ FWD2 (PLB) ialah pusat pos laju di dalam Prai Industrial area,
Poslaju National Courier
2045, Tingkat Perusahaan 3, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Perai, Pulau Pinang.
04-399 5568
NI contact Nationwide la bro ~ not Poslaju
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Boleh cik,puan memeriksa number tracking saya ? kerana item saya sekarang berada di PPL BMJ FWD2 (PLB) saya sangkakan sekarang item saya berada di post bukit mertajam apabila saya cll post bukit mertajam item Saya tidak berada disna,item saya berada di post butterword dan bila saya lihat alamat,alamat saya tidak detail bolehkah saya dapatkn number atau sebarang email yang membolehkn saya menukar alamat saya ???
Alamat anda diisi oleh penghantar “item” tersebut. Mungkin boleh cuba telefon 04-5012541 untuk bertanya samada mereka boleh hantar ke rumah (dan memberi alamat yang betul kepada mereka).
staff pos laju memang betul2 biadap dan kurang ajar ingat saya pos barang FREE ke?
Apa terjadi? Boleh share pengalaman?
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PL582920141834 21/09/21 09:57 AM Arrive at delivery facility at Pusat POS Laju Pulau Pinang, tapi sehingga sekarang 22/09/21 (3.21pm) tidak ada apa-apa status update tentang consignment ini, jarak dari Pusat Pos Pulau Pinang ke tempat terima kurang drpa 5km (Pulau Tikus), hairanya 2 hari consignment pun belum sampai lagi !!!!.. Kalau jalan pun tidak sampai sehari sampai ke tempat penerima.
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I am sorry to hear that. That is very bad service. By the way, I found that there is a website for providing feedback/complaints to POS Malaysia:
But, I’m not sure if it is effective or not though.
My pascal is arrrival at pusta pos laju pulau pinang (Tracking No-EA350778873HK)
We already put two tel num in there until today 19jul no one call us
Please kindly call Penang mobil –(017-765-3768) or Home number (2821-420)
Please kindly delivary that pascal at house front door due elderly
Thank You